Index of Calibration Instructions | Stringer Home Page

Manufacturer: Teraoka
Model(s): DC-180
Date updated: 14.02.00


1. Press Span Switch under front right hand corner of machine.

2. Weight Display shows S-on.

3. Press à0ß key, and while pressing, enter 142. Weight display shows SPC 20.

4. Spec setting instructions.

Press [+] key to enter data and step on to next spec number.

Enter new specs via numeric keypad.

Press[C] to clear unwanted entries.

Press [-] to step to previous spec number.

Press [*] to store new spec values.

Press to escape from spec setting mode . Display shows S-on. Press Span Switch to return to weighing mode.

5. Spec Settings

Spec. No. Bit 3 (1st Digit) Bit 2 (2nd Digit) Bit 1 (3rd Digit) Bit 0 (4th Digit)

20 Minimum Display (Scale 1)00=2, 01=1, 10=5, 11=10 Minimum Display (Scale 2)00=2, 01=1, 10=5, 11=10 e.g. to set up Scale 1 to weigh 1kg x 0.0001kg and Scale 2 to weigh 50kg x 0.005kg enter [0110]

21 not used (0) Decimal point position (Scale 1)000 = no decimal point001 = 1 decimal place (0000.0)010 = 2 decimal places (000.00)011 = 3 decimal places (00.000)100 = 4 decimal places (0.0000) e.g. in above example enter [0100] so that Scale 1 reads in incr3ments of 0.0001kg.

22 not used (0) Decimal point position (Scale 2000 = no decimal point001 = 1 decimal place (0000.0)010 = 2 decimal places (000.00)011 = 3 decimal places (00.000)100 = 4 decimal places (0.0000) e.g. in above example enter [0011] so that Scale 2 reads in increments of 0.005kg

23 Display resolution00 = 1:10,000 10 = 1:2,50001 = 1:5,000 11 = not used Not used (00) Enter [0000] for resolution of 1 : 10,000.Scale 1 will now weigh 1kg x 0.0001kg andScale 2 will now weigh 50kg x 0.005kg

24 Leave at default values

25 Scale starting method0 = Automatic 1 = Manual IR mode protected by span switch0 = No1 = Yes Scale Type0 = Single Scale1 = Double Scale Gross Mode available0 = Yes1 = No Enter [0110] for Dual Scale SystemEnter [0100] for Single Scale System

26 - 36 Leave at default values

6. Press [*] key to store new spec. values.

7. Press key to exit spec. setting mode.

8. Display shows S-on to indicate Span Switch is on.

9. Press Span Switch to return to weighing mode.


1. Make sure spec settings in "A" are correct.

Operation Display Remarks Weight Unit Weight Quantity

Press Span Switch S-on - - Span Switch is under front right hand corner of machine

Press à0ß key & while pressing enter [8715] 1.2345 156141

Press à0ß key 0.0000 156141

With nothing on plate press [+] key 3.6195 95789 Quantity window shows zero count which should be 100000 +/- 10000

Press à0ß key 0.0000 95789

Place calibration weight (1kg) on plate 0.8926 0 NNNNNN Enter value of calibration weight.

[1.0000] 0.8926 1.0000 NNNNNN

Press [*] key to start span calibration ………… ………… …………

Remove weight. Press key S-on

Press Span Switch 0.0000 0 0 Scale returns to weighing mode.

When Scale 1 has been calibrated, make sure scale is in weighing mode, press Selection Key so that Scale 2 is operative and repeat calibration routine for Scale 2. 1.