Index of Calibration Instructions | Stringer Home Page

Manufacturer: Teraoka
Model(s): DC-150
Date updated: 14.02.00

1. Press [Mode] key until Display shows (Maintenance Mode).

2. Remove front housing by removing top and bottom screws taking care not to stretch or disconnect cable. Turn on Span Switch located on front left hand side of machine by moving to left.

3. Press and hold [Rezero] & enter 8715 to enter span adjustment mode.

4. Press [Enter] key to enter into adjustment mode.

5. Display shows S1=S5.000CXXXXX where 5,000 is the scale capacity, C the calibration weight.

6. Press [ ® ] key to move to S1=S5.000CXXXXX

7. Enter calibration weight id displayed weight is not acceptable.

8. Press [Enter] key.

9. Display shows S1=SPXX.XXXZXXXXX

10. Make sure nothing is on plate. Press [Code] key to calibrate zero point (3000 +/- 1000). Press [+] or [-] key to adjust.

11. Press [Rezero] key to set span control to 0. Display shows S1=SP0.000Z.XXXXX

12. Place calibration weight on scale. Span count should be 100-120% of capacity. If not, adjust with [+] or [-].

13. Press [Enter] key. Scale will calibrate.

14. Remove weight.

15. Press[Enter].

16. Press [Rezero] key

17. Place weight on to check.

18. Press [Auto/Manual] key to escape from internal count mode.